Full Project websites:
︎︎︎States of Motion X: CGI or DIE︎Go Image & Motion Seminar SS 2020 documentation
︎︎︎One Hit Wonders︎Go The creation of 7 original bands and their hits and marketing
︎︎︎MXL#06: Silly Walk and Cyborgs︎Go
"Walk cycles" are "poetry in motion" and an essential tool for animating creatures. This was the starting point for the conception of cyborg characteristics and their narratives. In this project KISDstudents dealt with the moving human body in comparison to lifeless "inanimate" objects.
A 3D scanned shortfilm
Design and creation of artificial consciousness inspired by post impressionism.
How to use Computer vision and point clouds for storytelling?
Watching Tides
We’ve Been So Close
3D Short by Vincent Johnson ︎︎︎Intermediate Project
The film is intended to address the question of what happens when artificial intelligence can define its own reality. What happens when artificial intelligence applies this technology to visualize their own reality? How do robots and machines "see" the physical world? In the film, the originality of what is seen by machines lies in the point cloud. It is the most abstract framework of artificial three-dimensional spatial perception. It stands for the physical here and now of artificial intelligence. It shows the real world, but it appears fragmented. Creation of a original point cloud style, inspired by post-impressionism was a subject, too.

International travel project to Berlin & Paris in collaboration with PARSONS School of Art Media Technology and the international KISD Commitee.Investigations on the future of grafic design within the concept of a VR Magazine of the future. ︎︎︎PROJECT WEBSITE︎︎︎GO
__________________________ VRenice Beach I: Museum of Moving Surreality / Museum in Motion

︎︎︎States of Motion X: CGI or DIE︎Go Image & Motion Seminar SS 2020 documentation

“Hacking Orchestra”
invited students and the public to an audiovisual live set on December 9, 2016, at KISD. And as it should be for a real band – there were blenders mixed, wardrobes kicked, razors effected, referee high seats sensorized, marbles synthesized, water amplified, and TVs destroyed. “The Hacking Orchestra” is a project set up of a wired sound park of found objects.
Students from different semesters hacked everyday objects in unusual ways in order to explore their pitch singularities. They enhanced experiences on improvisation with hardware and software. They designed different inputs and outputs, creating circuits, translations, compositions, and notations. They discovered live dramaturgy and proved the affordance of space. In only ten days, they had to find and act together as dialoguing futurists and bizarre musicians.

What is the “audiovisual character” of a thing? How can we sensually invent, re-interpret, and transform it within the context of a band? In December 2016, students of KISD became
“The Hacking Orchestra”
and digged deeper into the “principles of misuse” of objects and explored the modes of “instant playing”.
Together with Prof. Muxel and KISD participants
Dino Jin Tanaka, Dieter Pilger, Jakob Plöns, Kyosuke Ishii, Martin Samuel Simpson, Stefanie Grawe
The Hacking Orchestra - Noisepatterns Live (Full Concert)
Motion Experience Lab#03:
Living Sculptures
Investigations on posthumanism, storytelling, robots, performativity of gifs and motion loops through body and embodiment acting as fashionista creatures in a time based performative character landscape. The performance was presented at KISD 1.2.2019 and @ Metamarathon 2019

︎︎︎MXL#06: Silly Walk and Cyborgs︎Go
"Walk cycles" are "poetry in motion" and an essential tool for animating creatures. This was the starting point for the conception of cyborg characteristics and their narratives. In this project KISDstudents dealt with the moving human body in comparison to lifeless "inanimate" objects
"Walk cycles" are "poetry in motion" and an essential tool for animating creatures. This was the starting point for the conception of cyborg characteristics and their narratives. In this project KISDstudents dealt with the moving human body in comparison to lifeless "inanimate" objects
A Dedication /
International Outsider Project (IOP) in Collaboration with Parsons New School / School of Art Media Technology
by Maayan Reiter
International Outsider Project (IOP) in Collaboration with Parsons New School / School of Art Media Technology
by Maayan Reiter
NRW FORUM Düsseldorf
w/ Prof. Scherffig (IA) und Eduard Pahl (Physical lab) and group of 40 KISDies

A table that turns charging your phone into a techno-spiritual séance. A ‘progress bar’ where waiting for a drink becomes a meditation about our post-human future. Drones that tell your fortune: At Meta Marathon, a festival for digital culture at NRW-Forum Düsseldorf, about 30 students of KISD present works and a living lab that speculate about robots and spirituality.
Meta Marathon is a 42-hour non-stop festival for digital culture. In 2019, it focuses on robotics. For the event, Köln International School of Design is shaping an extraordinary integrated design lab dedicated to a landscape of robot rites: The Voodoo Resistor Club. The areas of expertise Image & Motion and Interaction Design of KISD join forces with a curated design show on robotics and an experimental live conducted practice based design research on rituals ending in a performative night ritual.

Circle Of Power / Voodoo Resistor Club @Metamarathon'19

︎︎︎Pictures from the voodoo resistor Club area druing metamarathon @ NRW Forum / Credits: Katja Illner
Motion Experience Lab#05:
Die Erfahrung des Bildlosen - Art meets Science meets Visuality - or Intuition? / Experience? / Knowledge? / Epiphany? / Cognition & Emotion?/ Virtual reality?
In diesem Motion Experience Lab Projekt SS2019 beschäftigte sich eine internationale Gruppe von 10 KISD Studierenden 7 Wochen lang mit Phänomenen, die außerhalb unserer Wahrnehmung liegen und ihrer Visualisierung. DNA, Moleküle, Atome u.a. liegen im Bereich des Bildlosen. Die Wissenschaft erzeugt hier Bilder und arbeitet dabei -wie jeder Gestalter-, mit einer Reihe bewusster und unbewusster Entscheidungen. Dabei entstehen, vermeintlich exakte Modellbilder die den Anschein haben von Doppeldeutigkeiten befreit zu sein. Mit experimentellen Visualisierungsanstätzen, die vom Material und schnellen Bildproduktionstecniken ausgingen, um dann später in virtuelle Welten übersetzt werden zu können, wurden hier die Beziehung zwischen wissenschaftlichen Modellen und den Objekten untersucht, auf die sie sich beziehen und dabei neue, experimentelle, teils freie Formen zur Wissensreflexion und -generierung gefunden.
Gemeinsam mit dem VR-Künstler, Illustrator und 3D-Motiondesigner Tobias Wüstefeld und unter Projektleitung von Prof. Nina Juric, wurden im Motion Experience Lab Techniken zur Erlangung von 3D-Assets untersucht: von VR-Zeichenprogrammen über Photogrammetrie / 3D-Scans von analogem Material. Es ging darum wissenschaftliche komplexe Vorgänge in originelle Ideen mit einer visuellen Strahlkraft zu bringen und dann dreidimensional (in Cinema4d / 3dsmax / Unreal) zu modellieren und in einer virtuellen Realität samt Storyline nachvollziehbar zu machen. Am Ende stand ein Prozess, der in Form von kinetischen VR-Skulpturen, seriellen Bildserien mit Music-Clips, einem VR-Spiel und weiteren erlebbaren Formaten von bisher beispiellosen Darstellungen von Wissenschaftsmodellen, gezeigt und diskutiert werden konnte.
︎︎︎Read about. ︎︎︎Go
Mit den Kooperationpartnern stilwerk und dem Designstudio Letters Are My Friends lud die KISD – zu einem Besuch der Rauminszenierung „The Shelter of Love“ in die Städte Berlin, Düsseldorf und Hamburg ein. Die Foyers der jeweiligen stilwerk-Architekturstandorte wurden zeitgleich Schauplatz für die Umsetzung einer künstlerischen Weihnachtkampagne: „The Shelter of Love“ - ein Design Krippenspiel.
Der „Shelter of Love“ interpretiert die Weihnachtsgeschichte religionsunabhängig als Schutzraum der Liebe und hinterfragt Beziehungen der Figuren Jesus Christus, Maria und Josef, Engel und Stern, die Heiligen Drei Könige, Hirten und Schafherde sowie Esel und Ochse, um sie in die Gegenwart und in räumliche Konstruktionen zu übersetzen.

Das Herz der crossmedialen Kampagne ist die Inszenierung einer raumgreifenden Installation mit Interior-Design Elementen. Dieses Konzept entwickelte Letters Are My Friends aus Berlin, sowie die inhaltliche Idee, eine Krippenszene zeitgenössisch zu interpretieren und zusammen mit der KISD auszugestalten. Was ist ein Schutzraum? Was gilt es zu heutzutage zu beschützen?
This project is located in the field of industrial and product design a business segment in cultural industries. The product developed is a song. The intention was to design a highly competitive item, a best seller, a ‘one-hit-wonder’.
The creation of 7 original bands and their hits, musicvideos and marketing strategies